正规的赌博app's 正规赌博十大网站 U team at Worlds.

我强烈建议任何对机器人感兴趣的人加入这个团队. Not only do you get to add some great experience to your resume, but you will absolutely make some great memories and friendships.”

Jonathon Houston (’26, CS)

In its first trip to the 正规赌博十大网站 机器人 World Championship, the 正规的赌博app 正规赌博十大网站 U team, 荣誉, captured the Sportsmanship Award.

“感觉太棒了。. Connor O ' keefe(25岁,CS)说:“我们没有抱着获奖的期望去参加比赛。”. “We were just t在这里 for the experience and to learn for next year.”

Teammate Jonathon Houston (’26, CS) agreed.

 他说:“当我们的队伍获得体育精神奖时,我们非常兴奋。. “我们已经实现了我们的目标,在我们的第一个赛季就进入了世界冠军, 因此,这个奖项只能被形容为锦上添花.”

The team competed at the championship April 27-29 in Dallas.

体育精神奖奖励赢得志愿者和其他团队的尊重和钦佩的团队. Criteria for the award include:

  • 团队对在场内外的每个人都彬彬有礼,乐于助人,尊重他人
  • 团队本着友好竞争与合作的精神在比赛场上与他人互动
  • 团队表现出尊重和愿意帮助赛事工作人员、其他团队和观众
  • Team demonstrates excitement and enthusiasm throughout the event

“Winning the Sportsmanship Award was really cool, 尤其是因为我觉得有很多球队都配得上这个奖,25岁的安德鲁·米克尔说, ME). “Everyone we played was very friendly, and it made for a great experience, even though we did not perform to the level I had hoped for.”

Overall, 荣誉 ranked 41 of 96 teams in the championship.

“参加大学水平的世界赛是很困难的,因为你面对的是世界上最优秀的选手, but it was still a lot of fun even with that pressure,” said Katee Callicutt (’27, ME). “We made the best of what we had and did fairly well.”

Joan Welk (’23, CE) also enjoyed the time at Worlds.

“It was super fun,”她说。. “We had to rely on each other and our robots, rather than other alliance partners, 为了成功. I have never been to States for a robotics team, 所以对我们来说,能够参加世界赛真是太棒了,有点让人不知所措.”

对大卫·乔米茨(David Chomicz, 27岁,医学硕士)来说,参加大学水平的比赛引发了复杂的情绪.

“参加世界大赛, especially as a first-year team at the college level, 感觉很吓人,他说. “但看到所有这些非常优秀的团队也激励我们在未来制造更好的机器人.”

The challenge this year was called Spin Up. 在每场比赛中,四支队伍用他们设计和制造的机器人组成两个联盟. 每场比赛有15秒的自主时间,然后是1分钟的休息时间, 45-second driver-controlled period. 机器人将圆盘移动到各自的目标区域,并将滚轮旋转到各自的联盟颜色. The alliance that scored the most points won. At the university level, teams used two robots.





“This year was really a huge learning experience,” Callicutt said. “我们会接受这一点,进一步提高我们的团队,明年做得更好.”


“The robots that look the best do not always perform the best, 所以我们需要确保我们不会陷入对美学的担忧中,他说. “另一件事是我们需要专注于制造更可靠的机器人. 在一些比赛中,只要对机器人做一些简单的改变,我们的比分就会更接近. 我认为最后一件非常重要的事情是,我们需要确保我们完成得足够早,以便程序员有时间开发一个良好的自主程序. Matches were often determined by the end of the autonomous period.”

This wasn’t the team’s first award this season, as it won the Judge’s Award at a competition in January. 

To qualify for the Judge’s Award, teams must exhibit a high-quality interview; display special attributes, exemplary effort and perseverance at the event; overcome an obstacle or challenge; and achieve a goal or special accomplishment.

在凯特林的情况下,只有两名团队成员可以参加比赛,同时操作两个机器人. 这对搭档不仅成功了,而且还将团队的编程技能得分提高了一倍.

Winning this award was Welk’s favorite part of the season.

“Andrew and I were the only members that could make it, 评委们看到我们的努力和成就,想给我们颁奖,这感觉真的很好,”她说。.

Attending Worlds was the high point for O’Keefe.

“总的来说, the experience brought us much closer as a team, 和一开始才认识的人建立联系,他说. “Also, the conga line was pretty great.”正规的赌博app's 正规赌博十大网站 U team leads a conga line at Worlds.

The conga line also stood out for Houston, who led the line of participants while dressed in a banana costume. With the help of the event MC, 荣誉组织了这条路线,并带领几支队伍和志愿者从赛区前往维修站. O’Keefe provided a speaker to keep the music with them.

“Not only was it a fun way to get from the field back to our pits, which was almost a half-mile trek, 但它提高了我们在员工和其他加入团队中的声誉,休斯顿说.

Both Houston and O’Keefe said the team welcomes new members.

O 'Keefe说:“今年在正规赌博十大网站 U队比赛是一段奇妙的经历. 如果凯特林的学生有兴趣参加下个赛季的比赛, 接触, because we’d love to have you!”


“我强烈建议任何对机器人感兴趣的人加入这个团队,”他说. “Not only do you get to add some great experience to your resume, but you will absolutely make some great memories and friendships.”


“我们正在寻找新的人才加入我们的团队,在A和B部门, 和对面部门的人一起工作在凯特林是一种独特的经历,他说.

Kettering has hosted 正规赌博十大网站 camps and workshops since 2015. 正规赌博十大网站或其他竞争性机器人组织的活跃选手或导师也可获得奖学金. 学生每年最多可以获得5000美元的可再生奖学金(五年内最高可获得25000美元).

今年,正规的赌博app是世界锦标赛的现场赞助商. The University hosted the state championship in February.

该大学与非营利机器人教育与竞赛(REC)基金会合作组织正规赌博十大网站竞赛, 一个教育组织,其使命是提高学生对科学的兴趣和参与, 技术, engineering and math (STEM). Dan Mantz, 1991年凯特林校友,REC首席执行官.

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正规的赌博app's 正规赌博十大网站 U team with their robots at Worlds.